Business Week once wrote that “Every industry has its stars and, in the world of advertising, George Lois is a supernova.” The George Lois Big Idea Archive will allow this supernova’s bright light to continue to shine and inspire the industry that he helped shape as well as generations to come.

From George Lois:

“As a Bronx native, I am proud to have entrusted my archives to a ‘hometown university.’ The City College of New York has always been an inspirational melting pot of ‘Big Idea’ thinking in all intellectual and creative-driven professions, graduating many of the most distinguished people in the world, including 10 Nobel Laureates, derived from one of the most democratic student bodies in America. As the son of Greek immigrant parents, CCNY most reflects my attitude and my belief that as a graphic communicator, imbued with the melting pot ethos of our city, that my mission in life is not to sedate, but to awaken, to disturb, to communicate, to command, to instigate, and even to provoke.

I am in awe of the student body that has taken the stacks of papers, photographs, digital files and film, and in the process of learning their craft have created an archive for my work to live on and to be seen by future generations as they too embark on a path to find their passion.  I am honored to have my archives in their hands and trust that their efforts will allow my work to provide sparks of inspiration to generations to come.

I attended The High School of Music & Art when it was located on the CCNY campus. In my mind it was the greatest institution of learning since Alexander sat at the feet of Aristotle. And my archives, headed for CCNY, make me feel like I’ve truly come home. No better place to be.

We must all aspire to instill a heroic ethos into the souls of the students we teach. I hope you will join me and support this effort.”
